Saturday, July 4, 2009

Abortion Thesis Statements

Priestly prayer for the year 2009-2010 (2)

God our Father, I thank you
for priests that you give to your church,
for his life time data of youth in the days of fatigue lives for these
witnesses to your presence in our midst.

Through them, you offer us forgiveness and the sacraments of salvation.
Sanctify them in Thy truth and strengthened in them the promise of the day of their ordination.
By driving on your roads fill them with your joy, give the brothers of every man in the image of your Son.
As in the days of the Apostles, you call today within our communities of men to give their whole life. Enlighten
their way so they can respond generously so that they can safely say: "Lord at thy word I will let down the nets."
they argue strongly in knowing that "one of sowing and another crop" and that last day, they can hear these words of peace: "When you were young, you walked where you wanted, but now that you are old, is one that will establish your belt and you go even when you do not want to go. " Amen.

+ Alain Castet
bishop of Lucon

Gay Cruising Spots Monmouth County New Jersey

Prayer for the pastoral year 2009-2010

Father, who willed
need to be paid to all the good news of salvation,
see our church who beg with confidence.
Turns in the heart of all young people's enthusiasm and joy for the gospel.
Give us many priests that we so desperately need.
They will sign your mercy in our world in search of love. They generously
distribute the bread of your Word and the Eucharist to the hungry for justice and peace.
We ask this through your Son, Jesus the Good Shepherd,
who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and ever and ever. Amen

+ Bishop Diocese of Laval