Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cheesecake Decorating


A bit cold today, not much open, the bothered settles ... A good excuse to stay in the kitchen and make tea!

My recipe:

- 250g flour
- 1 egg
- 70g sugar + 1 packet of vanilla sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- zest of 1 lemon
- 120g butter (or margarine)
- jam to taste
- sugar, for dusting

Mix the butter with the egg and sugar. Add the lemon zest and finally, slowly, the flour sifted with baking powder. The soft dough obtained must be filmed and refrigerated for an hour.
After this time, spread the paste over 4 mm thick and cut out shapes with cookie cutter. On half of the shape, cut with a smaller center punch (so that the jam is visible).
Pick up free falls re spread to a maximum of shortbread.

Bake the whole for 10-15 minutes at 180 °, the dough should not brown.
On the non-gap, remove the jam and then cover with a hole by pressing lightly so it sticks. Once the cookies made, decorate with icing sugar.

Bon appetite!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Invader Zim Shower Curtens


Ms. drink you know? Yes, it's me ... Smaller is making head, tedious, the more things I'm into ... In fact when my mother asks me to receive recipes and I tell him about my minus salted cookies or my velvety in a glass .... she insults me ... If so, j'vous delivers ...

And then when the nice weather coming, I feel like mini bites are full of flavors and are yum Wow .. Yes well, the little glass of wine I'm willing too, I admit.
guys went Eryn , and after sticks fluxes peppers the breadsticks Express Parmesan , these are the spritz salted basil, pine nuts and parmesan .... And that my friends, they are salted Breton shortbread that melts in your mouth, a true fly-series! is greedy greedy, buttered buttered ....

Well, here is the recipe for 16 pieces:
- 130g sifted flour
- 15g basil frozen
- 40g grated parmesan
- 30 g pine nuts
- 75g butter 1 / 2 salt
- 75g olive oil
- 1 egg
- salt and pepper to taste
How do:
Mix together the cheese, pine nuts and basil. Add flour and sand at your fingertips.
In electric mixer, soften the butter until an ointment, and still beating, add egg and oil mixture then cheese flour until a smooth paste.
Pour the mixture into a pastry bag and draw your biscuits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (I made 2 plates for spacing Spritz).
Bake at 180 degrees for 15 to 16 minutes.

Remove from oven, let stand 5 minutes about your wonders then take off very gently with a spatula (it breaks the little things! !) and place flat on a wire rack until completely cooled.

Bon appetite!