Sunday, October 3, 2010 Drivers Saa7130

Paris Days: display a tooltip containing the definition a word mouseover using the field AUTOTEXTLIST

logo Word 200 In a previous post I presented a method to add the definition of a word form of info- bubble based on the use of a hyperlink .

I suggest you find another method based on the use of field AUTOTEXTLIST.


  1. Position your cursor in your text where you want to insert a word with its definition. (If the word is already selected)
  2. Display the dialog box " Field "
    - In Word 2003: Insert -> field ...
    - In Word 2007/2010: Insert -> Text -> Quick -> Champ ...
  3. Select the field " AUTOTEXTLIST "from the list" Field Name: "
  4. Introduce the different parameters of the field:
    - Sub New Value, enter or retype the word to define
    - Check ToolTip and type in the text box to the right the definition you want to appear.
    - Sub Format choose a layout for the word to define.
  5. Click "OK " to validate
  6. Reselect the word and highlight it to make it stand out in your text.

Boite de dialogue "Champ" pour AUTOTEXTLIST

How to use?

Simply move the cursor over the text and the tooltip appears.


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