Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A 100x100 Multiplication Table

Prayer Youth Prayer

merciful, we offer the youth of today
full of life and searching for meaning.
May the light of your grace
guide each of these young people in their daily challenges. Come
reveal its value to every young,
know he loved you,
and recognize that it is appreciated by
adults around them.
To these kids, make a gift of hope for
they believe in tomorrow
to have confidence in their ability
to change anything in the world now.
Give them the gift of joy
so they can celebrate life in truth.
And for ourselves, we ask you, Lord,
love, patience and faith in youth.
What our eyes, both lucid and tender,
allows us to capture the talents of the youth.
So we can offer them pastoral challenges
to the extent of their capabilities and their thirsts.
But more importantly, gives us the courage of a continuous conversion
for us to be witnesses for them meaningful.
We ask this in Jesus' name.


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