Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Anything New From Kate Ground

limits: Set the style of stroke deviation at the intersection of links

Visio07 By default when two traits representative cross links, one of them is slightly distorted to highlight and mark the intersection between them and it gives the illusion that one line passes on the other. The shape defined by default in Visio is the arc

You absolutely can change this form to apply another and that as follows:

  1. Select or links that you want to apply a style bypass feature different
  2. If necessary, display the toolbar layout and positioning "
  3. Click on" Style deviation of the line. "
  4. choose from the proposals available and apply the one that suits you best. (See image below)

Here is a preview of the toolbar layout and positioning "with the list down various types of proposed intersection of links



  1. This feature is also available from the tab Links "from the dialog" behavior "( right-click on a link -> Format -> Behavior ).
  2. For the button is active it is necessary that at least one link is selected


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