Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Palmers Cocoa Butter To Remove Dark Spots

Access 2010: Migration and compatibility

Access10_ Since the release of the 2010 version of Access for people on the web including through forums Answers and MSDN ask questions relating to the compatibility databases in formats previous to 2010 with this version.

this end, the team Access has provided users with a tool named "Office Migration Planning Manager for Office 2010 (OMPM)" to analyze your Access files to determine any malfunctions that may occur during conversion (migration) of your database to the new format (2007) show those which could occur when using a database in an earlier format in an environment 2010.

course this product does not address that issue of Access, but also from other Office applications.

If you want to know more, I invite you to browse the following TechNet article:

Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) for Office 2010 and also Review Access Compatibility .

Technorati Tags: Access 2010 , migration, compatibility ,


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